Etc Wow

Simon Willison: Fixing Paul Graham’s Footnotes

Simon Willison: Fixing Paul Graham’s Footnotes : …I’m a big fan of Paul Graham’s essays…Paul makes extensive use of footnotes, but provides no way of jumping from the reference in the text to the footnote at the bottom of the page and back up again. Instead, you have to manually down to the bottom of the article and back up again every time you hit a footnote reference…I couldn’t resist knocking up a quick greasemonkey script to fix the problem…

Installed. Useful indeed. Thank you very much


Milton Glaser’s 10 Things I have Learned

Milton Glaser’s 10 Things I Have Learned

(via Seth’s Blog: Milton Glaser threw me out)


Link to this column

Good Experience – The Best Month for Customer Experience

The Good Experience Newsletters are “good”

There is a phrase in the newsletter “Link to this column:” which provides the permalink and intentionally or otherwise, means also to “link to it”


Are you Managing Incoming Email ?

Etc KIV ToDo

Discover thy Self

Discover thy Self

This is what Swami Parthasarathy wrote in the book The Eternities – Vedanta Treatise

All Publications by Swami Parthasarathy

It is the first book listed at Recommended Reading – Modern Advaita


Hosting for Life as long as TextDrive exists

TextDrive Hosting for Life (Round II) : …For a one-time payment of US $399 – this will be yours for as long as TextDrive exists… where “this” is
* 1 gigabyte server space (unmetered mail and database storage)
* 20 gigabytes of bandwidth per month
* up to 15 top-level domains (with unlimited aliases)
* unlimited email mailboxes & aliases
* shell access
* and more

(via Photo Matt » TextDrive Deal)

TextDrive VC200 – An Offer [SOLD OUT]

TextDrive VC II


ubuntu linux for human beings

Some weeks ago, I placed an order for Ubuntu Warty Warthog CDs at and got it 2 days ago

Today, I have been able to successfully install it on a 4 year old Compaq Presario 700. On the same computer, I had problems installing Windows XP, Debian, Knoppix

After installing, I downloaded Real. To install, I found the useful documentation What’s the root password after I install? How do I use the root account?

Ubuntu linux for human beings : …”Ubuntu” is an ancient African word, meaning “humanity to others”. Ubuntu also means “I am what I am because of who we all are”. The Ubuntu Linux distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world…

Since “You are legally entitled and encouraged to copy, share, and redistribute this CD, for yourself and your friends.”, let me know if you want the CDs. Am in Singapore !

Etc Singapore


Padmapatramivambhasa is the word of the day

The Bhagavad Gita : …He who acts placing all actions in the Eternal, abandoning attachment, is as unaffected by sin as a lotus-leaf by water—Padmapatramivambhasa…

Etc Singapore

yah pasyati sa pasyati

Swami Parthasarathy, founder of The Vedanta Academy is lecturing on Bhagavad Gita Chapter V during 24 – 27 February 2005 – 7.30 – 9.00pm at PGP Hall, Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple, 397, Serangoon Road, Singapore 218123

The phrase of the day is “yah pasyati sa pasyati”

BHAGAVAD GITA OF ORDER: CHAPTER 5 : …yah — one who; pasyati — sees; sah — he; pasyati — actually sees…

While searching for the meaning of the phrase, came across Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Requests DMCA Takedown of Images regarding


I’m a micropatron

I'm a micropatron.

Doing as a full-time job


Ask Jeeves has acquired Bloglines

Ask Jeeves has acquired Bloglines : …We view this as a huge step forward for Bloglines, and a chance to achieve our mission of making RSS news reading and blogging a part of everyone’s internet experience…