RAQ Singapore

Basic Theosophy Course – one of seven – The Different Planes of Nature

The 20th Basic Theosophy Course at The Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society has commenced yesterday.

We sometimes ask ourselves these and other questions which seem to have no answers.

Where do I come from?
Where do I go to after death?
What is the purpose of life?
Why am I less fortunate than others?
Is there true justice in this world?

I have read about most of the topics covered yesterday

One interesting point. Some people have felt pain in an arm/leg that has been amputated… Attend the course and find out Why !

howto RAQ Wow

Howto Open Multiple Home Pages in Firefox

Feeling Nice

I realised that it is possible to open multiple home pages in tabs upon Firefox startup 🙂

separate the multiple URLs with the pipe sign – |

How come this is not listed on Firefox Help: Tips & Tricks

Many sites point to How to set up multiple homepages in Firefox. Who is the Robert mentioned in the post ?


What should a new charitable foundation with $100 million do?

Philip Greenspun’s Weblog: What should a new charitable foundation with $100 million do? : …Who has some better ideas than these?…

1) When planning for a year – sow corn
2) When planning for a decade – plant trees
3) When planning for a life – train and educate men