The ancient Indian culture revolves around the scriptures written in Sanskrit, the mystic language with a multitude of meanings. Yet, Panini has summarized this language in just 4000 verses. Sanskrit stands unparalleled among the world’s languages as the most precise in its formation and structure.
Come and experience its simplicity expressed through thrilling sounds that resonate with the Cosmos!
This is a unique opportunity not to “Speak About Sanskrit” but to “Speak Sanskrit”.
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore – Activities : …Sri Aurobindo Society invites you to attend a 10 day, 20 hour “Speak Sanskrit” Course conducted by Anuradha Choudry. An ex-student of the Sri Aurobindo International Center of Education, she is currently pursuing her Ph.D in Sanskrit on the topic of the Vedas. She has conducted several 10-day Spoken Sanskrit Courses in many parts of India including Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Karagpur…This time, she invites YOU to come and enjoy a class with a difference – to be initiated into Spoken Sanskrit through Mantras, songs, games, stories and dramas – in just 10 days! You can do it!…
Edited on 2005-06-06
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