Indian Railways Online Passenger Reservation Site Providing Availability etc..
Trains between Metros is useful !
But 2 suggestions
1) Allow me to easily swap the pair and see the schedule : When I select pair Chennai & Madurai, I only see trains from Chennai to Madurai. If I want to check for the return journey… I have start again. Why not provide a single button to swap the stations and see the schedule
2) When I select a pair, provide an option to also see the reverse schedule : Feedback Form : IMPORTANT NOTE: IT act,2000 section-67 punishes the publishing and transmission of obscene material in electronic form with imprisonment of upto 5 years along with a fine of up to 1 lakh on first conviction and with imprisonment up to 10 years with a fine of upto Rs 2 lakh on second or subsequent conviction.
Oh! I will choose the words carefully !
If the site is polished… it will be a top class website – The could be so much better and easily designed and easily to impress… I have given my first feedback and will wait for the response before sending more…