Singapore ToDo


Speech by Mr. Wong Kan Seng, Minister for Home Affairs, at Home Team Flagship Workshop 2005 on 3 February 2005 : …The READY Bag contains essential items like a radio, torchlight and first-aid items, which could come in handy in an emergency. The READY Bag is not meant to be a comprehensive toolkit for every emergency… : Got a ‘Ready Bag’ ready? : …The challenge, he said, is to get Singaporeans to practise being prepared as a way of life…

List found in the sundaytimes on Feb 27, 2005

  1. torchlight or candles with matches
  2. transistor radio
  3. spare batteries
  4. whisle
  5. first-aid kit
  6. personal medication
  7. copies of important documents such as identity cards and passports
  8. Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) Emergency Handbook’s Singaporean Disaster Survival Kit 🙂

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